unsplash-logoDavid Travis

A Brief Report on the PCC meeting held 19th July 2021.

It was the hottest night of the year so far when your PCC met in St Andrew’s on the evening of Monday the 19th July 2021. There was a full agenda for the meeting and following an opening prayer business got underway.

Our Churchwarden Doreen reported on her recent activities. The expected work to clear St T’s tower of pigeon poo is to start soon and will hopefully be completed in a week. The new notice boards for St T’s have now been approved and a task started pre Covid will be now be completed.

If you have been driving or walking past St T’s in the last couple of weeks you will have noticed the damage caused to the wall in the West side of the graveyard when it refused to move out of the way of an oncoming vehicle. Repair work is now in the hands of our architect and all costs will be met by the driver’s insurance.

Our architect responsible for St A’s has also been busy on our behalf recently. Various meetings have been held to discuss the heating in the Church about which we have serious concerns, as another winter may be beyond it and us. Plans are being prepared for a way forward with a heat pump system being favored by Church authorities. Any new system will involve the lifting of the current wood block floor in the Church but hopefully it will not be necessary to touch the stone flooring.

Also in discussion as part of the same project is the possible removal of the pews and their replacement with new chairs. This would allow the area to be used for things other than Church services and produce an urgently needed income to the Church.

With the strictest of the Corona virus restrictions now being lifted your Social Committee is planning for a Harvest Festival lunch in the Undercroft on the 3rd October and a Christmas Fair in November. More details to follow.

It is also intended to reopen the Wednesday morning Coffee Shop on Wednesday 1st September and hopefully all our regulars will return as well as some new faces. As always it will be much cheaper than Costa. Everyone welcome.

One the few good things about Covid (actually I can only think of one) has been the live streaming of Services into the community and the homes of those who cannot get to Church. This has however exposed the failings in our sound system which has been known to pick up our local taxi services messages. They have never commented on our singing if the fault works both ways. Chris Kilgour, our Vicar, has an element of expertise in the area and is currently investigating a new sound system for the Church. Something else to look forward to

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