unsplash-logoDavid Travis

A Brief Report on the PCC meeting held 11th November 2021.

For some months now your PCC has been meeting at the back of St Andrew’s, a space I personally find most convenient as it gives me space to spread out the various bits of paper so vital, but rarely looked at, that I carry to each meeting. Sadly some of the lights at the back of the Church have recently failed and we moved into the somewhat more cramped area of the Church office.

Even with 10 of our possible 12 in attendance it was a little cramped, and I was pleased to learn later that Doreen was making plans to have the lighting sorted.

Sadly no chocolates were provided for this meeting, so with a reading from Matthew and a short prayer our Vicar got us down to business.

During discussion on the minutes from a recent Finance Committee it was agreed that we would investigate the provision of a contactless payment machine for the Church. It was pointed out that at recent large services several of those attending had been unable to make a donation due to the fact that they simply no longer carried cash. It seems we will soon enter the 21st century.

Still on the subject of money the Vicar circulated a most interesting document to the PCC which highlighted our giving and spending in comparison to neighboring parishes. With some minor changes planned it is hoped that a copy of this document will be circulated to everyone on the Electoral Role in the coming weeks.

Also circulated was the draft budget for the Church for the next financial year. In the light of the problems the whole country has experienced during the last 12 months I don’t think that any member of the PCC was surprised to see that we are heading for a deficit budget for next year.

Whilst accepting the fact that accepting such budgets into the future would put us in an unsustainable position the PCC agreed to propose the budget to the APCM and pay our Parish Share in full.

Moving on to brighter matters Kathy Shingles updated the PCC on the plans for the two Christmas Fair events to be held in St A’s on the 24th November and the 1st December. Posters advertising the event to be placed about the village were circulated to those who could arrange for them to be displayed.

Our Church Warden Doreen Sheekey started her report with updates on St T’s. Observations on the movement in the West wall continued; estimates for the proposed work to the old boiler house were expected to be returned that week but sadly no work had yet commenced on the wall of the churchyard damaged during it’s argument with a van. I suspect that the Architect dealing with the issue will be talking to Doreen soon.

In respect of St A’s Doreen reported that the progress to improve the Church heating had not progressed as quickly as hoped, but the PCC did agree that at this stage it would be helpful to investigate the provision of cavity wall insulation and a proposal to ask our architect to facilitate this work was agreed.

Further investigation into various heating systems is to be carried out and visits to other Churches who have had new systems installed are planned.

With the provision of a new sound system from St A’s approved at previous meetings the PCC considered a proposal to order a purpose - built unit to store the new system controls and this was agreed. Watch out for improved sound and a smart new unit at the back of the Church.

The work of the whole congregation towards our 2025 goals has been subjected to some discussion over several PCC meetings and whilst some of our goals had been met there was more to be done. With this in mind Doreen’s proposal that we should use Lent to review and consider our 2025 Vision was agreed.

At 9.30 when we all headed for home I think that everyone present thought that it had been a useful and constructive meeting, but not in any doubt that there was a lot of work still to be done on a range of issues.

Chris Shingles

Secretary to the PCC.

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